Means "strength vigour" in the fictional language Sindarin. In the Silmarillion (1977) by J. R. R. Tolkien, Tuor was the mortal man who came to the hidden city of Gondolin to warn of its imminent doom. When Gondolin was attacked and destroyed he escaped with his wife Idril and son EƤrendil, and sailed into the west.
We use a combination of data from the internet, and our own Machine Learning models to make these predictions.
In a gist, we use a Machine Learning model trained on a diverse global dataset of 100m+ names, and use it to predict different traits for a person based on first name!
NameGuessr guesses a person's nationality, age, and gender based on their name. We also try to give insightful info around the name's origin, name meaning, and name pronounciation.